Latest Past Events

Screening of “Born Free: Birth in America”

Historic Fischer Theater 158 N. Vermilion, Danville

Why is the US maternal mortality rate at its highest today since 1965, with 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births?  Why are Black birthing people four times more likely to die from childbirth complications than white people? And why do things keep getting worse? This documentary explores this theme.


Comfort Measures in Childbirth

The Studio at Oak & Williams 217 Williams, Danville

Join us for a healthy and informative discussion about different ways to optimize your birth experience. Learn techniques and positions beyond simple breathing that will help aid you on your journey.


Comfort Measures in Childbirth

The Studio at Oak & Williams 217 Williams, Danville

Join us for a healthy and informative discussion about different ways to optimize your birth experience. Learn techniques and positions beyond simple breathing that will help aid you on your journey.
